Fogsorok, fogpótlási lehetőségek a PureDentalnál: Teljes kivehető fogsor, részleges kivehető fogpótlás, Stéges fogsor implantátumokhoz. Ismerje meg lehetőségeinket és fogpótlási technikáinkat, azok...
TovábbTreating wisdom tooth pain quickly, effectively, yet gently? What are some home remedies and what specialist treatments are effective? Why does wisdom tooth pain develop in the first place?
To treat wisdom tooth pain, we also need to know the cause of its development. What can be the cause of wisdom tooth pain? First of all, it is important to know that wisdom teeth typically erupt between the age of 18 and 30 at the latest, so unlike other teeth, they do not start to develop until around 7-8 years of age. And problems with wisdom teeth occur when there is not enough space in the jaw or when the wisdom tooth is stuck in the wrong position when erupting. Unfortunately, this is an increasingly common scenario, with recent estimates suggesting that 85% of people are affected. This is when wisdom tooth pain treatment can come into play, often involving the removal of the wisdom tooth.
You may not need to have your wisdom teeth extracted at all, as in some cases pain and discomfort due to wisdom teeth growth is a perfectly normal phenomenon. However, to find out if this is the case, you need a thorough diagnosis. The only effective way to treat wisdom tooth pain is to consult a specialist. As the incidence of wisdom tooth pain is increasing, we are becoming more and more practised in the treatment of it. But don't worry, at Pure Dental Dentistry, wisdom tooth removal is painless with the help of a skilled oral surgeon.
Read more about the treatment here: wisdom tooth extraction.
There are a lot of home remedies for wisdom tooth pain - including on the internet and through oral tradition. However, it is important to know that even if these home remedies can relieve the pain, they do not eliminate the problem itself. Ice compresses, salt water rinses and painkillers will only reduce the symptom for a short time.
A wisdom tooth that has come out at the wrong angle directly affects the surrounding teeth by pushing them out of place, and can cause overcrowding of the teeth, which over time affects the whole jawline. A second molar can make you more susceptible to problems such as infections or decay. Therefore, it is always worth visiting a professional to treat wisdom tooth pain! Nevertheless, we will show you some temporary methods for treating wisdom tooth pain, but we stress that these only help until the dentist's treatment, they do not solve the problem!
Can you treat wisdom tooth pain quickly and effectively? Don't hesitate any longer, book an appointment at our dentist's office using the contact details below!
Fogsorok, fogpótlási lehetőségek a PureDentalnál: Teljes kivehető fogsor, részleges kivehető fogpótlás, Stéges fogsor implantátumokhoz. Ismerje meg lehetőségeinket és fogpótlási technikáinkat, azok...
TovábbEsztétikai szájsebészet: Ajakfék és nyelvfék eltávolítás, ínykorrekció, csontos koronahosszabbítás, ínyplasztika, vestibulumplasztika a PureDental Fogászaton.
TovábbSzájsebészet Budapest szívében, a PureDental Fogászaton: fájdalommentes foghúzás, bölcsességfog eltávolítás, rezekció, tejfog eltávolítás, ciszta eltávolítás, arcüregzárás.