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  • Oral surgery

    Oral surgery in the heart of Budapest at Pure Dental Dentistry: painless tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal, resection, baby tooth removal, cyst removal, sinus cavity closure.

    Oral surgery


    In all cases, we try to save the teeth by conservative therapy (fillings, root canal treatment, etc.). However, there are cases where this is not possible. Examples are advanced caries, severe inflammation (nodes) at the root apex, a tooth with a hopeless prognosis for periodontal disease or a severe fracture when we can no longer restore the tooth.

    Three types of tooth extraction

    Simple tooth extraction

    A simple tooth extraction is when we can remove the tooth with an extractor and no further intervention is required. Single-rooted teeth are front teeth which are easier to extract and heal faster. Multi-rooted teeth can take longer to remove and heal. The procedure is completely painless as we use the most modern local anesthetics for our patients before we start treatment.

    Tooth extraction by dissection also known as root separation

    Tooth extraction by dissection, also known as root separation, may be necessary for the removal of multi-rooted teeth when it is not possible to remove two or three rooted teeth at once. In this case, a diamond drill is used to separate the roots and then remove them one by one. The patient does not have to bear any extra strain and the procedure is completely painless.

    Surgical tooth extraction

    Surgical tooth extraction is necessary when the simpler methods (with an extractor) cannot remove the tooth. For example, in the case of a deeply erupted tooth or when the anatomy of the tooth root does not allow simple tooth extraction or when the bone and tooth contact is very close. The patient may feel pressure and vibration when using the surgical instruments but thanks to modern anesthetics the procedure is completely painless. After the procedure antibiotics may be necessary to ensure a faster and safer recovery. Recovery time: up to 1 week.

    After tooth extraction, tooth replacement is recommended as soon as possible to avoid bone loss or to prevent the surrounding teeth from moving or migrating. Our doctors are waiting for you with state-of-the-art implant solutions that offer a lifetime guarantee the best quality available today and unparalleled aesthetics to maintain a healthy smile. We invite you for a personal consultation to help you take the next steps with our unique, personalized proposals and guidance.


    WISDOM TOOTH/TEETH REMOVALwisdom tooth removal

    An inflamed or badly located wisdom tooth can cause unpleasant complications and often the only solution for our patients is to have it removed. These teeth are completely unnecessary for our chewing and their replacement after removal is not recommended, as patients do not even notice the loss of these teeth. The procedure is distinguished according to two criteria: it can be "simple" or surgical.

    The simple wisdom tooth removal:

    • No need to use a surgical instrument
    • 35% of pre-fractured lower wisdom teeth can be removed in this way
    • For upper wisdom teeth, this figure is 96%

    When do I need surgical wisdom tooth removal?

    • It is necessary when the wisdom teeth are set back in the jawbone
    • or their anatomical shape makes simple extraction impossible
    • The procedure is completely painless, local anesthesia is used
    • Antibiotics and painkillers are recommended
    • Healing time: usually 1 week


    When might a baby tooth need to be removed?

    • If the tooth change does not take place properly and prevents the eruption of the remaining tooth which can also occur in adulthood
    • If the permanent tooth remains in the jawbone or there is no germ of the tooth at all and the baby tooth (which has a shorter life span) takes over the role of the permanent tooth
    • In childhood, when there is a high degree of decay in the tooth and it cannot be saved by conservative therapy

    In all cases, we try to schedule the extraction at a time that will allow the teeth to be changed within a year at the latest, otherwise the teeth may be crowded. If a baby tooth tooth needs to be removed in adulthood and this results in a missing tooth, the best solution is implant replacement.


    Resection means that the root apex is amputated and removed. This oral surgery may be necessary if there is inflammation around the root of the tooth and root canal treatment alone is not enough to remove the inflammation. In these cases, the inflamed tissue is removed along with the root tip, giving you a chance to heal completely. There are also cases where the anatomy of the root canal of the tooth makes it impossible to make a root canal filling up to the root apex, and consequently the canal cannot be cleaned properly. In such cases, the infected pulp (nerve) remaining in the last few millimeters
     of the canal can cause severe inflammation of the surrounding bone tissue. With this procedure, we try to prevent more serious problems that could be harmful to the body. The procedure can be done on both front and back teeth, but it may take longer on back teeth because of their position (harder to see).



    In cases where the base of the sinus is very close to the roots of the back teeth, it is easy to damage the base of the sinus during the removal of these teeth. This leads to communication between the sinus and the oral cavity. This communication must be closed immediately after tooth extraction by a minor surgical procedure. If this is not done a serious sinus infection may develop later on. This procedure is not an extra burden for the patient but the wound must be sutured and can only be removed after two weeks of healing.


    Unfortunately, there are cases when a cyst develops in the jawbone due to an inflammation or developmental disorder. This lesion is an epithelial lining of a cystic cavity, which constantly produces fluid. As a result, this lesion is constantly growing and, as it grows, it exerts pressure on the surrounding anatomical structures (teeth, bone, etc.), thus destroying the surrounding environment. Their removal is recommended as soon as possible. Most cases have a dental origin, so root canal treatment of the tooth is necessary after the identification of the causative tooth, and in advanced cases tooth extraction.


    These small, benign proliferations of tissue are usually formed on the mucous membrane of the mouth as a result of some kind of mechanical injury, such as biting. Most of the time they do not cause any complaints, but it is recommended to remove them to prevent further damage (another bite). For the patient it is not stressful and the healing is almost painless. 

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    • Email E-mail: CLICK
    • Telefon Phone: +36 30-CLICK
    • Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3.<br> floor 1. door (doorbell:55)Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3. floor 1. door (doorbell:55)

    Office hours

    • Monday: 8:00-20:00
    • Tuesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Wednesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Thursday: 8:00-20:00
    • Friday: 8:00-20:00
    • Saturday: closed
    • Sunday: closed

    We look forward to welcoming you to the Pure Dental Dental Clinic. We provide a full range of dental, oral surgery and implant-related treatments, including preliminary diagnosis with immediate specialist evaluation.
