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  • Root canal treatment

    Root canal treatment in Budapest: a painless procedure to save your teeth at Pure Dental Dentistry with the most up-to-date technology and equipment.

    Root canal treatment

    Due to various external damaging effects such as deep decay, tooth fracture or sustained exposure to damaging forces, a tooth can die. When this happens the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth can also become diseased and can become over-infected. This infection can also damage the surrounding bone tissue through the root canals. At this stage this inflammation is considered a focal disease in other words it is inaccessible to the body and cannot be fought without external help.


    • The bacteria in the inflammation cannot enter the bloodstream and spread to other organs.
    • Inflammation causes long-term damage to bone tissue and nerves
    • Toxic substances also do not damage the body

    It is extremely important to eliminate inflammation as secondary inflammatory nodes can lead to cardiovascular disease, skin conditions and a host of other problems. The first step is to eliminate inflammation, which can only be achieved through dental treatment.

    The process of root canal treatment

    The first step is to remove the dead, inflamed nerve (pulp) from the root canal and after a proper cleaning start preparing the root canal to receive the root canal filling. In most cases these processes take several sessions so the root canals are temporarily filled with an antiseptic medicinal filling between treatments.

    After removing the infected tissue in the root canals a permanent filling material (gutta-percha) is placed in the root canals. The purpose of the root canal filling is to hermetically seal the root canal(s) from bacteria so that there is no point of attack for further infection. As no blood supply remains inside the tooth after the treatment the immune system inside the tooth cannot fight pathogens.

    A correctly prepared root canal fills the entire length and width of the root canal. If these conditions are met the tooth can survive for many, many years.


    root canal treatment tooth whiteningDied or old root canal treated teeth may become discolored. The tooth may become increasingly grayish as time passes. Even in these cases we should not despair as internal teeth whitening can easily correct the existing aesthetic problem. The bleaching material is injected into the affected tooth and sealed, after a few days the results are checked. This process can be repeated several times until the desired color is achieved. The result speaks for itself, as the tooth is restored to its original, brilliantly beautiful color, so it is indistinguishable from the aesthetics of intact, healthy teeth.


    FIBREGLASS TAProot canal treatment in Hungary

    Root canal treatment removes the blood vessels that supply the tooth so without moisture the tooth structure can dry out and like any other material that loses moisture become more brittle. In this case the part of the tooth between the gums can easily chip and break. During the root canal treatment it is judged that the affected tooth has lost a lot of tooth substance and to eliminate this phenomenon a strong connection is established between the crown part of the tooth and its root. We can do this by placing a fiberglass strengthened pin into the root canal of the tooth which is glued into the tooth after a precise fit. Then all we have to do is build up the crown section with a simple filling or crown.

    The advantages of a fibreglass tap:

    • Fully transparent, invisible from the outside
    • Provides a high degree of stability for teeth
    • Can be used on both anterior and posterior teeth
    • Compatible with fillings, inlays and crowns

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    Visit our clinic in Budapest and we will find the cause of your dental issues, set up a treatment plan and make your teeth not only healthy, but aesthetic!  

    • Email E-mail: CLICK
    • Telefon Phone: +36 30-CLICK
    • Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3.<br> floor 1. door (doorbell:55)Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3. floor 1. door (doorbell:55)

    Office hours

    • Monday: 8:00-20:00
    • Tuesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Wednesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Thursday: 8:00-20:00
    • Friday: 8:00-20:00
    • Saturday: closed
    • Sunday: closed

    We look forward to welcoming you to the Pure Dental Dental Clinic. We provide a full range of dental, oral surgery and implant-related treatments, including preliminary diagnosis with immediate specialist evaluation.
