Visit our clinic in Budapest and we will find the cause of your dental issues, set up a treatment plan and make your teeth not only healthy, but aesthetic!
TovábbDentures, tooth replacement options at Pure Dental: Full removable dentures, Partial removable dentures, Dentures for implants. Learn about our options and tooth replacement techniques, their advantages and disadvantages!
Patients who have lost all their teeth for some reason and cannot have implants may be ideal candidates for full-arch prostheses. They require a few impressions and some working days. Removable full dentures will stay in place by clinging to the anatomical contours of the mouth, sitting on the gums, but for the most secure hold, it is advisable to use denture adhesive. They are acrylic in material and, thanks to the manufacturing process, the tooth colour and shape can be adapted to the patient's needs, giving a high quality aesthetic appearance. They are easy to clean orally, which is very beneficial for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing gingivitis.
This denture is constructed and used in a similar way to a full removable denture, but is designed to replace just a few teeth. Partial dentures are made with metal anchors, one end of which is embedded in the denture and the other end of which is somehow connected to the existing natural teeth. This is not visible externally and remains completely hidden in the mouth.
Have a complete toothless jawbone resulting in unstable , wobbly dentures? Tired of the triple taste of salt-pepper-glue?
Would you like to have a really cost effective fixed prosthesis so you can laughand eat freely? Then an overdenture can provide an ideal solution for you.
A fixed denture is a removable yet fixed prosthesis that looks like a full denture but is much more comfortable to wear because the base of the denture is attached to a metal splint that connects the implants to the bone above the gum. The metal splint is called a bridge. Plastic or rubber locks are implanted in the base plate of the denture and slide onto this bridge holding the prosthesis in place. Another advantage over full dentures is that the denture base plate does not have to be extended as much as with their classic counterparts so they take up much less space. In the case of upper restorations they do not cover the palate.
You can eat more freely without discomfort or pain when chewing and you can eat harder foods more easily than someone who has a full set of teeth without implants.
Visit our clinic in Budapest and we will find the cause of your dental issues, set up a treatment plan and make your teeth not only healthy, but aesthetic!