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  • Oral surgery Budapest: everything you need to know

    Oral surgery is a specialised dental procedure that can address a wide range of problems, including the removal of wisdom teeth, dental implants, bone grafting and other complex dental procedures. If you need oral surgery in Budapest, Hungary, you can contact PureDental Dental Clinic is the ideal choice for your treatment.

    Oral surgery Budapest: everything you need to know

    What is oral surgery?

    Oral surgery treatment at our clinic in Budapest includes dental procedures such as, which require surgical treatment of the teeth, jawbones and other parts of the oral cavity. These are outpatient surgery, but can also be performed in a larger hospital setting.

    Types of oral surgery treatments

    1. Wisdom tooth removal:

    Wisdom teeth are often a problem because they do not always grow in properly, and this often cause pain, infection or congestion. In oral surgery, wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, pain, pain and infection. The removal of wisdom teeth is done professionally and painlessly.

    2. Dental implant placement:

    Dental implants are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are placed in the jawbone and the healing process is followed by a period of After a period of healing, the restorations are fixed in place.

    3. Bone replacement:

    If the jawbone does not have enough bone structure to place implants, bone grafting may be necessary. This is done during oral surgery to allow the bone to regenerate. This is the implantation of materials necessary for the bone to regenerate.

    4. Resection of the root apex of the tooth:

    This procedure is performed when the root canal treatment has not been completely successful and the infection persists. By removing the root apex and cleaning the surrounding tissue, the problem can be eliminated.

    5. Removal of oral cavity tumours:

    The removal of benign or malignant tumours in the oral cavity is also oral surgery is required to remove the tumours that may or may not be benign.

    Oral surgery treatment in Budapest at Pure Dental Dentistry

    Pure Dental Dentistry is one of the leading dental clinics in Budapest, offering a wide range of oral surgery treatments in Budapest. Our clinic is committed to providing the highest level of patient care and the latest technologies. Below you will find an overview of the services we offer.

    Comprehensive diagnostics

    Accurate diagnosis is essential for successful oral surgery treatments. Our clinic is equipped with modern imaging equipment to provide a detailed and accurate picture of the patient's oral health.

    Personalised treatment plans

    Every patient is unique, so every oral surgery treatment is a personalised treatment plan is based on a personalised treatment plan. The treatment plan includes the necessary procedures, the expected costs and recovery time.

    High quality materials

    Pure Dental Dentistry uses only the highest quality materials for oral surgery treatments. This ensures that the procedures are durable and aesthetically superior.

    Outstanding patient care

    At our clinic, patient comfort and safety are our top priority. Friendly and helpful staff will support you every step of the way, from treatment to recovery. treatment plan is based on a personalised treatment plan. The treatment plan includes the necessary procedures, the expected costs and recovery time.

    Frequently Asked Questions about oral surgery in Budapest

    How much does oral surgery cost in Budapest?

    The price of oral surgery treatment in Budapest is influenced by a number of factors, including the type of procedure, the
    materials used and the complexity of the treatment. Budapest offers competitive prices which include often lower than in other European countries.

    How long is the recovery time after oral surgery?

    The recovery time depends on the type of surgery. A simple wisdom tooth extraction can take a few days to heal, while an implant can take several months to fully heal.

    What kind of anaesthesia is used for oral surgery in Budapest?

    During oral surgery treatments, local anaesthesia, sedation techniques or general anaesthesia may be used, depending on the type of procedure and the patient's needs.

    Oral surgery treatment in a prominent location in Budapest

    Oral surgery treatment is available at the leading dental clinics in Budapest, with high quality and competitive prices. Pure Dental Dentistry is committed to providing the highest level of patient care and the most modern technologies. If you need oral surgery treatment, Pure Dental is the ideal place to have the procedure done. Make an appointment for a consultation to find out what options are available to you and how we can help you achieve the best results!



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    Dentálhigiéniai kezelések az esztétikus fogakért: fogkő eltávolítás, fogfehérítés, fogcsikorgatás elleni sín. Ismerje meg kezeléseinket budapesti rendelőnkben!



    Jöjjön el budapesti rendelőnkbe és megtaláljuk fogászati problémájának okát, majd felállítjuk kezelési tervét és nem csak egészségessé, hanem esztétikussá is varázsoljuk fogait! 

    • Email E-mail: CLICK
    • Telefon Phone: +36 30-CLICK
    • Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3.<br> floor 1. door (doorbell:55)Our Clinic: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3. floor 1. door (doorbell:55)

    Office hours

    • Monday: 8:00-20:00
    • Tuesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Wednesday: 8:00-20:00
    • Thursday: 8:00-20:00
    • Friday: 8:00-18:00
    • Saturday: closed
    • Sunday: closed

    We look forward to welcoming you to the Pure Dental Dental Clinic. We provide a full range of dental, oral surgery and implant-related treatments, including preliminary diagnosis with immediate specialist evaluation.
