All-on-4™ koncepció
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbHow much are the prices of tooth replacement in Budapest, what items should you calculate with? Below we show you all the important information about the prices of tooth replacement.
Teeth are great treasures - but often we only appreciate this when they are no longer with us. Unfortunately, genetics is one of the leading causes of tooth loss, so we can't always help but keep our teeth intact and complete beyond a certain age. Yet everyone wants to have a flawless set of teeth, a beautiful smile, good chewing functions and clear speech. Fortunately for us, however, dental techniques are improving, and nowadays there are very effective tooth replacement techniques with a natural effect.
The only question is how many. While it should be noted that many dental treatments in the capital are more expensive than in rural areas - as are other services - it is still possible to find affordable prices for tooth replacement in Budapest dentistry. In the following article, we will show you how the prices for dental prostheses in Budapest are calculated.
If you're wondering how much dentures cost specifically for you? Book a dental consultation and our prosthodontic specialists will provide you with a personalised treatment plan and an accurate price estimate.
Exactly how much dentures cost in Budapest depends on many factors. Not only does it depend on the specific pricing of the dentist, but also on the number of missing teeth, the condition of the gums, any problems with other teeth, and the tooth replacement technique and materials used. The prices of tooth replacement in Budapest vary greatly, there are some dentists who charge exorbitantly high prices and others who charge exorbitantly low prices. In many cases, high prices are due to the quality of materials and modern techniques - this should be taken into account, as well as the fact that low prices often hide hidden costs.
At Pure Dental Dentistry, we prepare a treatment plan for each patient - after a thorough diagnosis - which includes several possible solutions and a price quotation. The price quotation handed over with the treatment plan will include all the costs incurred during the treatment. In the meantime, for your information, please refer to our current price list, which also includes prices for tooth replacement. Of course, it is not important which treatment is used to replace the missing teeth, nor what materials are used. Today
However, it can be said that the prices of tooth replacement in Budapest depend mostly on the technique used. The following treatments can be used to replace missing teeth:
The choice of tooth replacement depends on the number of missing teeth and the condition of the other teeth. You can read more about the different types of tooth replacement on our website, but our dental specialists will also be happy to help you make the right choice and answer any questions you may have.
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
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