All-on-4™ koncepció
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbIf you are missing one or more teeth, you may be wondering exactly how the process of tooth replacement works. We should make it clear from the outset that at PureDental Dentistry, the tooth replacement procedure is completely painless!
If you have one or more missing teeth, the first and most important step is to come to PureDental Dentistry for a personal consultation! The process of tooth replacement depends on several factors. The procedure depends, among other things, on the method you choose, which is influenced by the number of missing teeth, the condition of your teeth and your needs. That's why we start with a consultation and the necessary diagnostics before any dental treatment! Only after a treatment plan has been set up can we tell you exactly what the exact course of treatment for your tooth replacement should be.
To ensure that the process of tooth replacement is professional and problem-free, it may be necessary to use digital diagnostic tools. The modern equipment at PureDental Dentistry allows for a very efficient mapping of the entire dentition, which in turn allows for an efficient dental restoration procedure.
The procedure depends on the method of tooth replacement chosen
At PureDental Dentistry, there are basically 3 different methods of tooth replacement. These 3 tooth replacement techniques are:
The procedure of tooth replacement depends on which method is used, but you will always be informed in detail before your treatment.
Although the process of tooth replacement is very different for each dental method, they all follow the same treatment plan. Each patient is given a personalised treatment plan following consultation and diagnosis. This treatment plan details the procedure of tooth replacement step by step. The process of tooth replacement also depends on how many teeth need to be replaced and the procedure used. Whether implants and bone grafting are necessary. If bone replacement is also needed, the process of tooth replacement will take more time.
With a dental crown, the process is relatively quick and straightforward, as the crown is placed on the tooth if no implant is needed. However, crowns are only an option if a tooth is missing.
With a dental bridge, the process of tooth replacement is also quick and smooth, and the procedure has the advantage of being able to replace several missing teeth, The dental bridge can be used to replace the space between two intact teeth. The process of this tooth replacement consists of grinding down the adjacent teeth and fixing the replacement on top of them. If no intact teeth are available, an implant is inserted.
Would you like more detailed information about the whole process of a tooth replacement? Make an appointment for a free dental consultation!
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
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