Esztétikai fogászat
Esztétikai fogászat Budapesten a tökéletes mosolyért: teljeskörű mosolytervezés, fogkoronák, kerámiahéj, esztétikus fogtömés, ideiglenes fogpótlások, foghidak.
TovábbExpert teeth whitening in Budapest? Our expert dental specialists are waiting for you in an easily accessible location to whiten your teeth and make your smile beautiful! If you want whiter teeth, it's not worth experimenting with techniques you read about on the internet, as they can be dangerous and do more harm than good. Expert teeth whitening in Budapest is not only painless and professional, but also guaranteed safe at PureDental Dentistry.
PureDental Dentistry is located in an easily accessible location in Budapest, on the Buda side. Our exact address is 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 3. 1st floor 2nd door, 55 doorbell. You have to look for our dental clinic on the Buda side of Margit Island, it is very easy and quick to reach by tram 4-6. Teeth whitening in Budapest at PureDental Dentistry is performed professionally, using internationally recognized, risk-free methods, high quality instruments and materials, and of course completely painless (like all the other dental procedures we perform)! An appointment is required to have your teeth whitened! It is very easy to make an appointment online!
Teeth whitening in the central of Budapest, quickly and professionally? If you want your teeth to be shades whiter without pain and risk, click HERE!
Teeth can become discoloured due to many factors. Besides poor oral hygiene, eating certain foods and drinks (coffee, black tea) and smoking can also contribute to tooth discolouration. If you want your teeth to really sparkle and become shades lighter, teeth whitening in Budapest at PureDental Dentistry will help you achieve this. In-office teeth whitening is far more effective than at-home techniques. How should you imagine the process, how does teeth whitening take place at our Budapest dentistry? We'll show you!
Teeth whitening in our Buda office starts with a thorough dental hygiene treatment, during which, among other things, the accumulated plaque and tartar is removed from the surface of the teeth. The next step is tooth polishing, which is necessary to allow the whitening material to better adhere to the teeth. The final step of the whitening process is the application of a special whitening gel, which is thoroughly worked on by our expert specialists to ensure that all surfaces are covered and that the whitening in our Buda office is truly effective. The materials we use are all very safe, while being effective: they will make your teeth several shades whiter. Teeth whitening in Budapest takes 1.5-2 hours in total
If you decide to use home methods, be very careful and only apply materials to your teeth that are guaranteed not to damage them. In any case, make sure that you choose tested materials and methods that are proven not to damage tooth enamel, in this article we have already written about the harmful effects of some teeth whitening techniques.
PureDental Dentistry provides professional teeth whitening treatments in our Buda office, but if you prefer home methods, choose the one we offer! Because it has been proven by several researches and tests that it is completely harmless for your teeth and at the same time effective. We recommend this method to our patients after a whitening in the dental practice, in order to preserve the result, after having stressed the importance of dental hygiene treatment before whitening.
You are probably also interested in how much it costs to have your teeth whitened by 2-3 shades. We do not hide our whitening prices, you can find our detailed and up-to-date price list by clicking HERE! Among our dental hygiene treatments you will find teeth whitening in Budapest at PureDental Dentistry.
Esztétikai fogászat Budapesten a tökéletes mosolyért: teljeskörű mosolytervezés, fogkoronák, kerámiahéj, esztétikus fogtömés, ideiglenes fogpótlások, foghidak.
TovábbDentálhigiéniai kezelések az esztétikus fogakért: fogkő eltávolítás, fogfehérítés, fogcsikorgatás elleni sín. Ismerje meg kezeléseinket budapesti rendelőnkben!