Esztétikai szájsebészet
Esztétikai szájsebészet: Ajakfék és nyelvfék eltávolítás, ínykorrekció, csontos koronahosszabbítás, ínyplasztika, vestibulumplasztika a PureDental Fogászaton.
TovábbHow much are panoramic X-ray prices? What are panoramic X-rays for, why is it worth using this modern diagnostic tool? In this article, we present all the important information about panoramic X-rays, including prices.
The current price list of PureDental Dentistry is available on our website by clicking here: dental prices.
You can also find our panoramic x-ray prices listed here. In our practice there are no hidden costs, no sudden prices, all prices, itemised, can be found in our price list for all our patients, and you can also get precise information about them in our practice. Our current prices for digital panoramic X-rays are 8000 HUF (we reserve the right to change prices, please check our price list for the latest prices).
At PureDental Dentistry, we do our best to ensure the satisfaction of our patients and the health of their teeth. Our modern equipment, our professional experience and our prices are at the right level to meet your expectations. Among other things, we provide a free consultation and treatment plan for all our patients. During the consultation, you will receive detailed information not only on the prices of panoramic X-rays, but also on all the costs of the treatment. A price quotation will be enclosed with the treatment plan.
At PureDental Dentistry we use the most modern dental equipment and methods. We take digital panoramic X-rays to get a complete picture of the patient's teeth. This modern procedure can detect, among other things, tooth inflammation, caries, cysts, as well as tooth loss, and can also provide a detailed assessment of the position of the teeth and the condition of the sinus.
At PureDental Dentistry we use the most modern dental equipment and methods. We take digital panoramic X-rays to get a complete picture of the patient's teeth. This modern procedure can detect, among other things, tooth inflammation, caries, cysts, as well as tooth loss, and can also provide a detailed assessment of the position of the teeth and the condition of the sinus.
Panoramic X-ray prices are high in many places, but at PureDental we try to keep our dental prices affordable. Another advantage of our dental practice is that panoramic x-rays can be taken without a referral, and the evaluation is carried out quickly by expert dental specialists. It is also possible to assess previously taken panoramic X-rays. Our modern digital X-ray machines emit only very minimal radiation thanks to the digital back-up and are therefore 100% safe! Our dental clinic is located in a busy area of Budapest, near the Western Railway Station, and we are open long hours. 1027 Margit krt. 3, 1st floor, door 2, doorbell 55.
Affordable panoramic X-ray prices, accurate and professional evaluation, treatment plan development? Book your free consultation!
Esztétikai szájsebészet: Ajakfék és nyelvfék eltávolítás, ínykorrekció, csontos koronahosszabbítás, ínyplasztika, vestibulumplasztika a PureDental Fogászaton.
TovábbGyökérkezelés Budapesten: fájdalommentes beavatkozással a fogak megmentéséért a PureDental Fogászatán a legmodernebb technológiákkal és eszközökkel.
TovábbEsztétikai fogászat Budapesten a tökéletes mosolyért: teljeskörű mosolytervezés, fogkoronák, kerámiahéj, esztétikus fogtömés, ideiglenes fogpótlások, foghidak.
TovábbDentálhigiéniai kezelések az esztétikus fogakért: fogkő eltávolítás, fogfehérítés, fogcsikorgatás elleni sín. Ismerje meg kezeléseinket budapesti rendelőnkben!
TovábbJöjjön el budapesti rendelőnkbe és megtaláljuk fogászati problémájának okát, majd felállítjuk kezelési tervét és nem csak egészségessé, hanem esztétikussá is varázsoljuk fogait!