All-on-4™ koncepció
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbWhat are the prices for oral surgery in Budapest? Below we detail how much each oral surgery procedure costs, how to calculate and what other information you should know before you go ahead.
Oral surgery is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the surgical treatment of the oral cavity, jaw, face and related structures. This field includes a variety of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative procedures aimed at maintaining, restoring and improving the health of the oral cavity and related areas. Not all dental practices perform oral surgery, as it requires a much higher level of expertise and an appropriate level of equipment.
At Pure Dental Dentistry, the procedures are performed by one of the most renowned oral surgeons in the country, the much-loved Dr. Nóra Boka. She performs oral surgery procedures such as tooth extraction, surgical tooth extraction, wisdom tooth extraction, deciduous tooth extraction, resection, cyst and fibroma removal, or sinus closure. For a full list of treatments and detailed descriptions, please visit: oral surgery.
The price of oral surgery depends on the type of treatment you need. You can find a detailed price list of our treatments on our dental page. Click on the button below to view prices! You will find the treatments in the menu bar of oral surgery.
If you don't know which oral surgery procedure you need, come in for an oral surgery consultation and we'll recommend the best treatment that will effectively eliminate your symptoms and restore the health of your entire mouth.
Oral surgery prices can vary significantly depending on the type of procedure, the complexity of the procedure, and the materials used. PureDental Dentistry is renowned for its oral surgery treatments. The oral surgery is led by Dr. Nóra Boka. We use the most modern equipment and the best procedures. Anesthesia is used for the treatments, so they are completely painless. As the prices for oral surgery vary depending on the type of treatment you need, here are the most common treatments and the most important things to know about them.
These are just some of the most common oral surgery problems, you can read about our other treatments here.
If you would like to know exactly how much oral surgery prices are for you and what treatment costs you should expect, come to Pure Dental! At our office, every treatment starts with a dental consultation followed by a thorough diagnostic. We then prepare a detailed treatment plan for each patient, accompanied by a quotation. The quotation will include the price of oral surgery and any costs (such as x-rays) that may be needed to solve the dental problem. The general dental consultation and treatment plan is completely free of charge. Make an appointment by contacting us below!
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbFogelvesztést követően a csontunk a foghiány helyén folyamatosan sorvad, felszívódik. Ha valakinek régóta fennálló foghiánya van, akkor annak nagyobb a valószínűsége, hogy fogászati implantátumot nem...
TovábbEsztétikai szájsebészet: Ajakfék és nyelvfék eltávolítás, ínykorrekció, csontos koronahosszabbítás, ínyplasztika, vestibulumplasztika a PureDental Fogászaton.
TovábbSzájsebészet Budapest szívében, a PureDental Fogászaton: fájdalommentes foghúzás, bölcsességfog eltávolítás, rezekció, tejfog eltávolítás, ciszta eltávolítás, arcüregzárás.