Gyökérkezelés Budapesten: fájdalommentes beavatkozással a fogak megmentéséért a PureDental Fogászatán a legmodernebb technológiákkal és eszközökkel.
TovábbWhat is the price of the most effective dental treatment, microscopic root canal treatment? Is it worth it, how much more effective is it than traditional root canal treatment?
What is microscopic root canal treatment anyway? To begin with, what is root canal treatment, what is the procedure for, when is it needed? Root canal therapy is a relatively common dental procedure used to treat decayed, infected teeth. Root canal treatment is needed when the tooth socket is damaged. Microscopic root canal treatment is a revolutionary new dental technique, not yet widely used, which allows easier access to and easier vision of the teeth. Microscopic root canals are slightly more expensive, but the success rate is much higher.
At PureDental Dentistry, we use one of the newest and most effective technologies, microscopic root canal therapy. We recommend this procedure to our patients with dental problems because it is much more effective. Although microscopic root canal treatment prices are typically higher than traditional treatments, in many cases it is still worth the cost. The microscope technique helps us to see the parts of the tooth we need at 10-20 close zooms, and we can perform root canal treatment on teeth that were previously inaccessible. This revolutionary technology has saved many teeth from extraction in our practice.
As you can see from the price list, microscopic root canal treatment prices are slightly higher than traditional treatments, but they also have a much higher success rate and effectiveness. Microscopic root canal treatment has a success rate of over 90%, compared to around 40-60% for conventional treatment - which is also a good rate. The reason for this high success rate is that the microscope gives a much more accurate picture of the condition of the tooth, allowing a more precise diagnosis and more effective treatment.
We can also reveal root canals that were previously completely hidden, saving many hard-to-reach teeth from extraction. Click here to see how much microscopic root canal treatment costs!
You will find all the items in our detailed price list for microscopic root canal treatment prices. In our office, we offer a free consultation prior to any dental treatment, where we will provide you with an accurate treatment plan and quote. If you have any questions about either the treatment or the prices, our expert dentists are at your service!
Register for your free dental consultation online, simply! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!
Gyökérkezelés Budapesten: fájdalommentes beavatkozással a fogak megmentéséért a PureDental Fogászatán a legmodernebb technológiákkal és eszközökkel.