All-on-4™ koncepció
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbLearn about the options and benefits of full dentures! Discover the modern solutions of PureDental Dentistry and find the most suitable restoration!
The absence of one or more teeth can make everyday activities such as chewing or speaking difficult and can have serious long-term consequences for the overall health of the oral cavity.
A complete denture offers a solution to the problems of missing teeth, helping to restore chewing function, speech and facial aesthetics. Now we'll tell you what your options are for a full denture and how PureDental Dentistry can help you get your smile back.
Tooth loss is not an uncommon phenomenon, especially in the older age group. However, complete tooth loss without treatment can have many negative effects:
After the loss of teeth, the jawbone gradually begins to atrophy because it does not receive enough stimulation due to the lack of tooth roots. A complete tooth replacement can prevent this process, especially if implant solutions are chosen.
Without teeth, it is difficult to chew food properly, which can lead to digestive problems. A full denture restores chewing function so you can enjoy your favourite foods again.
Missing teeth can change the shape of your mouth and this can affect your speech. A full denture will help restore accuracy and fluency to your speech.
Tooth loss can negatively affect facial shape and smile, which can lead to self-doubt. A full tooth replacement will allow you to smile and speak with confidence again.
Modern dentistry offers a number of solutions for complete tooth replacement that focus on both functionality and aesthetics. PureDental Dentistry uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure that patients receive the best possible solution.
Removable dentures are a classic solution for complete dentures and have been used successfully for decades. Modern dentures are much more comfortable and aesthetic than before, and thanks to advances in materials they are almost invisible in the mouth.
Dental implants have revolutionised the world of tooth replacement and are now one of the most popular options for complete dentures. Implants are titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone and serve as the roots of the teeth. The crowns or dentures are placed on these implants, perfectly replacing the missing teeth.
The All-on-4 and All-on-6 techniques are innovative procedures that involve placing four or six implants in the jawbone and attaching the entire denture to them. This can be an excellent option for those who want a stable, fixed tooth replacement but do not want to have to place implants for each missing tooth.
If only a partial tooth loss is involved, but the existing teeth are not sufficient for a full restoration, bridges or crowns are also an excellent solution for a full restoration. Bridges replace missing teeth by anchoring them to adjacent teeth, while crowns cover a single damaged tooth to restore its function and aesthetics.
Choosing the right complete denture is always an individual decision, as many factors can influence the decision. These include the patient's health, the extent of tooth loss, the available budget and personal preferences. The experts at PureDental Dentistry will create a personalised treatment plan for each patient to ensure that the most appropriate solution is chosen.
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
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