All-on-4™ koncepció
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbInterested in how much denture prices cost? Want to replace your missing teeth but don't want to spend a fortune? At PureDental Dentistry, you can expect affordable denture prices and high quality service. Let us show you how much our denture prices cost!
At PureDental Dentistry we offer our patients a high standard of service. We offer almost every dental procedure and a wide range of services, so we can confidently say that we have the solution for every dental problem. We also offer a wide range of tooth replacement methods, one of which is dentures. There are several types of dentures, and the prices of dentures vary according to the type.
Let's see how much the different types of dentures cost at PureDental Dentistry!
Our prices are indicative, you can find our detailed and current price list on the following link.
At PureDental Dentistry, we don't like to beat around the bush! We believe it's fair for all our patients to be prepared in advance for their treatment, knowing not only what will take place during treatment, but also how much it will cost. That's why we prepare a treatment plan before treatment begins, and we include a quote with it, detailing the denture prices and the prices of the associated services. The consultation and treatment plan is FREE!
Whatever dental procedure we perform on you, you can be almost certain to need preliminary diagnostics to help you map the problem more thoroughly, possibly revealing problems you may not have noticed before. These diagnostic procedures are not included in the denture prices shown above, but a quote from your dentist will show the cost of the diagnostic treatments required. You can also check our detailed price list for diagnostics in addition to denture prices.
At PureDental Dentistry, we are staffed with the latest equipment. They allow us to perform the most effective, advanced dental procedures, giving our patients healthy teeth and beautiful smiles. When choosing a dentist, consider not only the price of dentures, but also the quality of care. We use only tested, high quality materials that are not only very safe and effective, but also long lasting.
If you want professional care and a beautiful smile again, make an appointment for a free consultation!
Teljes foghiányban szenved? Magabiztos mosolyt szeretne? All-on-4™ koncepció a PureDental budapesti fogászatán akár csontpótlással, élethosszig tartó garanciával!
TovábbFogsorok, fogpótlási lehetőségek a PureDentalnál: Teljes kivehető fogsor, részleges kivehető fogpótlás, Stéges fogsor implantátumokhoz. Ismerje meg lehetőségeinket és fogpótlási technikáinkat, azok...
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TovábbAz egyik legbiztonságosabb és legfixebb fogpótlási eljárás a fogimplantátum. Hogyan és milyen eszközökkel zajlik a fogimplantációs eljárás a PureDental fogászatán?
TovábbEsztétikai szájsebészet: Ajakfék és nyelvfék eltávolítás, ínykorrekció, csontos koronahosszabbítás, ínyplasztika, vestibulumplasztika a PureDental Fogászaton.